Developing a concept might be the most difficult thing ever…EV-ER. At the same time, it is necessary, because it provides a filter through which all other decisions regarding the design are made. Here’s a first take on the concept for my gallery.

Immersion fosters understanding, by exposing the community to its diversity. Bridging the gap between generations, the gallery celebrates cultures and empowers others through fair trade and sustainability; inspiring a limitless ripple effect. Refreshed by shared experiences and an appreciation of distinction, new life is restored to what was once desolate.

Moving from the concept development phase to logo design requires consideration of how you represent your concept in an illustration and/or font. When you think about it, a logo is really a shortcut to your brand. Ideally, someone looks at your logo and knows who you are and what you are about.  Below are three simplified logos that I have in mind for the gallery.

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Stay tuned to see how these designs progress!